Gig Workers’ Rights
Why in news? What is the Gig Economy? Where does gig culture exist in Indian Economy? Key Drivers for Gig Economy- Why is Gig Economy preferred by workers? Challenges faced in Gig economy- Way Forward-
Why in news? What is the Gig Economy? Where does gig culture exist in Indian Economy? Key Drivers for Gig Economy- Why is Gig Economy preferred by workers? Challenges faced in Gig economy- Way Forward-
Why in News? Key Highlights of the Report- About Trans Fats- Various Initiatives to Eliminate Trans Fat-
Why in News? Issues Faced by Sportswomen- Why women participation need to be encouraged in sports? Various Safeguard Measures for Sexual Harassment-
Why in News? About Annual Status of Education Report (ASER)- Key Findings of the Report- Challenges of school education- Some committees related to education system-
Why in News? About Eco Sensitive Zone (ESZ)- Significance of ESZ- Challenges to Eco-Sensitive Zones- How are they demarcated? Why are people protesting against it? Way Ahead-
Why in News? About Remote Voting- Need for Remote Voting- Issues with Remote Voting- State of Migrant Population in India-
Why in News? About ChatGPT- Importance of ChatGPT- Various Ethical Concerns Associated with It-
Why in News? About Annual Meeting- Key Points of Davos Summit 2023- Indian Perspectives- World Economic Forum-
Why in News? Background- Judgement of the Court- Article 19-
Why in News? Key Highlights of the report- About Human Rights Watch- India’s various initiatives for Human Rights-